Welcome To Helen Bar-Lev's Website
Helen Bar-Lev, New York born, is a well known Israeli artist who has had ninety exhibitions around the globe since 1976. She is renowned for her delicately unique technique combining pen and brush to achieve a level of detail rarely seen in watercolor paintings. Since 2007 she has been painting exclusively using colored pencils and various artist pens.
Helen's poems range in subject matter from the mundane to the mystical many of which describe the beauty of Israel's landscapes and people with clarity which parallels that of her paintings.
Cyclamens and Swords, a collection of poems about the land of Israel by Helen and Johnmichael Simon, profusely illustrated with her paintings and sketches, published by Ibbestson Street Press, 2007, is now available. Also by Helen and Johnmichael: The Muse in the Suitcase a collection of travel poems with Helen's black and white sketches. By Helen and Katherine L. Gordon: In Moonlight the Sky Will Slide. To order any of these books, please go to www.cyclamens and swords.com
To purchase any artwork on this website, please email helentbarlev@gmail.com using the form on the Contact Helen page.
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