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women walking w straw bundles on h

woman w baby and boy entering courtyard.

village with clay pots and interesting t

woman stirring clay cooking pots

boy weaving kente cloth

market w watermelons and bananas

women with baskets on way to marke

women weaving baskets

woman w baby facing market

women selling dried beans

ghana women picking greens

women at fabric market

women and children in water w bowls

woman w baby walking near church r

woman w baby weaving baskets

village street w mountains

thatched huts w pots

woman pounding cassava w goats & chickens

market with tomatoes and cassava

market with lettuce

hut on beach w boat and fishing net

fishermen pulling nets

Dolores receiving priestly blessing

colourful pottery

boys fishing at sunset
Helen Bar-Lev ~ Artist and Poet
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